Summary Explanation and Background
- Chapter 35 of the City’s Code of Ordinances is titled “PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES, PUBLIC FUNDS.”
- Section 35.15 defines a Request for Qualifications as “A written solicitation for competitive sealed offers with the title, date and hour of the public opening designated. A request for qualifications shall include, but is not limited to, general information, functional or general specifications, statement of work, instructions for offer and evaluation criteria. All requests for qualifications shall state the relative importance of the evaluation criteria. The city may engage in competitive negotiations with responsible offerors determined to be reasonably susceptible of being selected for award for the purpose of clarification to assure full understanding of and conformance to the solicitation requirements. Offerors shall be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of offers, and such revisions may be permitted after submissions and prior to award for the purpose of obtaining the best and final offer.”
- Section 35.18 of the City's Code of Ordinances is titled "COMPETITIVE BIDDING OR COMPETITIVE PROPOSALS REQUIRED; EXCEPTIONS."
- 35.18(A) states, "A purchase of or contracts for commodities or services that is estimated by the Chief Procurement Officer to cost more than $25,000 shall be based on sealed competitive solicitations as determined by the Chief Procurement Officer, except as specifically provided herein."
- Section 35.19 of the City's Code of Ordinances is titled "SEALED COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCEDURE."
- Section 35.19(A) states, "All sealed competitive solicitations as defined in §35.18 shall be presented to the City Commission for their consideration prior to advertisement."
- Florida Statute (F.S.) 287.055 is known as the “Consultant’s Competitive Negotiation Act” (CCNA).
- F.S. Section 287.055(2)(a) defines Professional services as “those services within the scope of the practice of architecture, professional engineering, landscape architecture, or registered surveying and mapping, as defined by the laws of the state, or those performed by any architect, professional engineer, landscape architect, or registered surveyor and mapper in connection with his or her professional employment or practice.”
- F.S. Section 287.055(2)(f) states “Project” means that fixed capital outlay study or planning activity described in the public notice of the state or a state agency under paragraph (3)(a). A project may include:
1. A grouping of minor construction, rehabilitation, or renovation activities.
2. A grouping of substantially similar construction, rehabilitation, or renovation activities.
- F.S. Section 287.055(3)(a)(1) states “Each agency shall publicly announce, in a uniform and consistent manner, each occasion when professional services must be purchased for a project the basic construction cost of which is estimated by the agency to exceed the threshold amount provided in s.287.017 for CATEGORY FIVE ($325,000) or for a planning or study activity when the fee for professional services exceeds the threshold amount provided in s.287.017 for CATEGORY TWO ($35,000), except in cases of valid public emergencies certified by the agency head. The public notice must include a general description of the project and must indicate how interested consultants may apply for consideration.”
- F.S. Section 287.055(2)(g) states “A “continuing contract” is a contract for professional services entered into in accordance with all the procedures of this act between an agency and a firm whereby the firm provides professional services to the agency for projects in which the estimated construction costs of each individual project under the contract does not exceed $4 million, for study activity if the fee for professional services for each individual study under the contract does not exceed $500,000, or for work of a specified nature as outlined in the contract required by the agency, with the contract being for a fixed term or with no time limitation except that the contract must provide a termination clause. Firms providing professional services under continuing contracts shall not be required to bid against one another."
- Section 35.21 of the City's Code of Ordinances is titled "AWARD OF CONTRACT."
- Section 35.21(A) of the City's Code of Ordinances is titled "City Commission approval."
- Section 35.21(A)(1) states, "An initial purchase of, or contract for, commodities or services, in excess of $25,000, shall require the approval of the City Commission, regardless of whether the competitive bidding or competitive proposal procedures were followed."
1. On October 8, 2024, the City Commission approved the second amendment to, and renewal of, the continuing engineering services contract with Hazen and Sawyer pursuant to the award of PSUT-20-10 "Wastewater Treatment Plant Process Engineering, Pumping, and Force Mains", in accordance with Florida Statute 287.055, Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA).
2. In lieu of establishing a maximum contract value, Utilities Department Staff proposed to present every work authorization under this contract in excess of the threshold value of $25,000 to the Commission for approval. The submittal is to include the Consultant’s proposed fee as well as the available budget and relevant account number.
3. In 2021, CH2M Engineers performed a detailed condition assessment of the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) as part of the development of the Utilities Comprehensive Master Capital Improvement Plan. The assessment determined that the treatment unit called the “headworks building” is significantly deteriorated due to its highly corrosive environment and needs to be rehabilitated, to the point of potential replacement of the entire treatment unit.
4. The headworks building is the structure through which the incoming, raw sewage flows and is the first line of treatment at the WWTP. This treatment consists of mechanical screens and grit removal equipment located in concrete troughs and basins to remove suspended solids, debris, and grit. The raw sewage generates hydrogen sulfide which, when released into the building space, can settle on surfaces and convert to sulfuric acid. This environment has been deteriorating the equipment and the concrete structure since it was built in 1990.
5. Based on the conclusions of the condition assessment, the Utilities Department budgeted funds in the current fiscal year for a preliminary engineering report for replacement of the facility. Utilities Staff has solicited a proposal from the City’s Wastewater System Engineering Consultant Hazen and Sawyer (H&S), to produce this report. The City currently has a continuing contract with H&S, and they are very capable and qualified to perform this work.
6. H&S and Staff have negotiated a proposed work authorization in the amount of $174,850.12, for which H&S will establish the design criteria, evaluate available screening and grit removal technologies, perform a hydraulic evaluation, and produce cost estimates and a proposed implementation schedule. Staff has reviewed this work authorization and fee and find them to be reasonable.
7. Staff recommends City Commission approval of proposed Work Authorization #11 with Hazen and Sawyer pursuant to the award of PSUT-20-10 Wastewater Treatment Plant Process Engineering, Pumping and Force Mains, in an amount not to exceed $174,850.12.
Financial Impact
a) Initial Cost: $174,850.12
b) Amount budgeted for this item in Account No: Funds are available in account 471-535-6022-663183-0000-000-0000-00834 (Sewer Treatment Rehabilitation) and budgeted for this purpose.
c) Source of funding for difference, if not fully budgeted: Not Applicable
d) 5 year projection of the operational cost of the project: Not Applicable
Current FY |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Revenues |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Expenditures |
$174,850.12 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Net Cost |
$174,850.12 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
e) Detail of additional staff requirements: Not Applicable.
A feasibility review is required for the award, renewal and/or expiration of all function sourcing contracts. This analysis is to determine the financial effectiveness of function sourcing services.
a) Was a Feasibility Review/Cost Analysis of Out-Sourcing vs. In-House Labor Conducted for this service? Not Applicable.
b) If Yes, what is the total cost or total savings of utilizing Out-Sourcing vs. In-House Labor for this service? Not Applicable.