SP2024-0001, MedSquare Pembroke Pines, generally located on the southwest corner Palm Avenue and Johnson Street, site plan application. (Cole) (District 2)
Summary Explanation and Background
Janna Lhota, agent, is requesting approval to construct a medical office building (Medsqaure) with associated site, architectural, signage, circulation, parking, and landscape improvements. The subject property is generally located at southwest corner of Johnson Street and north Palm Avenue.
The site is current owned by Pines Baptist Church who operate a church on the adjacent parcel to the south. Additionally, as part of this site plan both paved and grass parking are proposed for the existing Church parcel.
The church was approved in 1999 through SP99-53.
At the request of the applicant, this application was deferred at the September 12, 2024 Planning and Zoning Board meeting to tonight’s meeting.
The proposed multi-tenant medical office building (Medsquare) will be 42’ in height and 53,520 square feet in area. The applicant proposes the following color and material for the building:
• Main Body: BM-872 (White Christmas)
• Building Accent: BM2134-30 (Iron Mountain), Resysta Wood Look Cladding (Gold)
• Window Accent: BM2108-60 (Abalone), BM2112-50 (Stormy Monday)
• Porte-Cochère Body: Sunrise Silver Alucobond
• Building Base: Marmol Limestone Cladding
The applicant is proposing the following signage.
• Two, 35 square foot internally illuminated reverse channel letter signs reading “Med Square Pembroke Pines” in black copy with a black frame. A sign shall be located on both the north and east elevations.
• One, 23.6 square foot internally illuminated reverse channel letter signs reading “Med Square Pembroke Pines” in silver copy with a silver frame on a wood composite background. The sign shall be located to the east of the sites northern ingress/egress along Johnson Street.
Access to the site shall remain through shared access points located to the north on Johnson Street and to the southeast along north Palm Avenue.
Based on the anticipated tenant mix of specialized medical (3.5 parking spaces per thousand square feet of area) and general medical (5.75 parking spaces per thousand square feet of area). 178 parking spaces are required for the Medsquare site. 178 parking spaces are proposed for Medsquare site.
The existing Pines Baptist Church requires 162 parking spaces, in total 180 parking spaces are proposed for the Church site. The applicant is proposing the following parking fields:
• 83 existing parking spaces located to the south of the church.
• 49 new parking spaces located to the west of the church. These parking spaces shall be shared between the church and Medsquare. Adjacent parcels may share parking spaces so long as the total of those parking spaces when combined or used together shall not be less than the sum of the requirements of the several individual uses computed separately.
• 48 new grassed parking spaces.
o 8 grassed parking spaces shall be located south of the existing office and storage buildings.
o 40 grassed parking spaces shall be located to the north and east of the existing pavilion.
o Up to 50% of the required parking for religious institutions may be grass parking.
One bicycle rack is proposed adjacent to the northwest corner of the building.
The following landscape is being proposed for this site:
• Installation of 145 trees, 51 palms, 3505 shrubs, and 4039 groundcovers. Primary species of trees include: Conocarpus erectus 'sericeus' - Silver buttonwood, Cassia fistula - Golden shower tree, Lysiloma latisiliquum - Wild tamarind, Chrysophyllum oliviforme - Satinleaf tree, Coccoloba diversifolia - Pigeon plum, Lagerstroemia indica - Crapy myrtle, Ilex cassine - Dahoon holly, Myrcianthes frangrans - Simpsons stopper. Primary species of palms include: Sabal palmetto - Cabbage palmetto, Adonidia merrillii - Christmas palm, and Veitchia montgomeryana 'single' - Montgomery palm. Primary species of shrubs include: Podocarpus marcophyllus 'Maki'- Podocarpus Maki, Clusia guttifera - Small leaf clusia, Conocarpus erectus - Green buttonwood, Viburnum obovatum - Walters viburnum, Galphimia gracilis - Thryallis, Ixora x 'Nora Grant' - Nora Grant Ixora, and Schefflera arboricola 'Trinette' - variegated schefllera. Primary species of groundcovers include: Crinum augustum 'Queen Emma' - Queen Emma crinum lily, Muhlenbergia capillaris - Pink muhly grass, and Tripsacum floridana - dwarf Fakahatchee grass, Ixora taiwanensis - dwarf Ixora, Philodendron x 'Xanadu' - Xanadu philodendron, and Ficus macrocarpa - Green Island Ficus.
• Trees that will remain on site include Sabal palmetto - Cabbage palmetto, Swietenia mahogany - Mahogany, and Quercus virginiana - Live oak.
The Medsquare site shall be illuminated by LED fixtures mounted on 14, 25’ tall concrete poles. Additionally, the porte-cochère and covered parking will feature full cutoff LED lighting.
The shared parking lot LED fixtures mounted on 2, 25’ tall concrete poles
Staff has reviewed the proposed changes and finds that the proposal meets all code requirements. Staff therefore recommends approval of this application.