MSC2022-0021, Bell’s Funeral Home, 8390 Pines Boulevard, minor façade changes including paint, addition of awnings and signage, miscellaneous request. (Laura) (District 1)
Summary Explanation and Background
Stephen Brasgalla, agent is requesting approval for façade and signage modifications to the Bell’s Funeral Home (formerly Metro Diner), generally located in the southwest corner of Pines Boulevard and University Drive. Bell’s Funeral Home is a free-standing building next to the University Marketplace Shopping center.
University Marketplace approved through SP 84-37. The former business located on the free-standing building (Metro Diner) was approved through SP 2017-06.
The architectural modifications as well as the signage were completed without the required approvals. The property owner was cited on 2/14/2023 for the work done without permits (code case 230200737). Should the Planning and Zoning Board approve the architectural and signage modifications tonight, the applicant is still responsible for obtaining all applicable building permits prior to the code case being resolved.
The applicant is proposing the following colors and materials for the storefront building:
• Façade:
o Dover white (SW 6385)
o Bear Creek (Benjamin Moore 1470)
o Willow Creek (Benjamin Moore 1468)
o Fashionable Gray (SW 6275)
• Canopy: Sunbrella Marine (Captain Navy blue 4646)
The following signage is proposed for the tenant bay:
• One, 60 square foot cabinet illuminated sign with pan faces letter wall sign reading, “BELL’S FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SERVICES” in White copy and a cursive B (logo) in yellow copy at the top on a blue background.
City code permits freestanding buildings a maximum of 120 square feet of wall signage and monument sign copy. No monument sign is proposed at this time.
Staff has reviewed the proposed changes and finds that the proposal meets code requirements. Staff therefore recommends approval of this application.