SP2024-0001, MedSquare Pembroke Pines, generally located on the southwest corner Palm Avenue and Johnson Street, site plan application. (Cole) (District 2)
Summary Explanation and Background
Janna Lhota, agent, is requesting approval to construct a medical office building (Medsqaure) with associated site, architectural, signage, circulation, parking, and landscape improvements. The subject property is generally located at southwest corner of Johnson Street and north Palm Avenue.
The site is current owned by Pines Baptist Church who operate a church on the adjacent parcel to the south. Additionally, as part of this site plan both paved and grass parking are proposed for the existing Church parcel.
The church was approved in 1999 through SP99-53.
At the request of the applicant, this application was deferred at the September 12, 2024 Planning and Zoning Board meeting to tonight’s meeting.
The proposed multi-tenant medical office building (Medsquare) will be 42’ in height and 53,520 square feet in area. The applicant proposes the following color and material for the building:
· Main Body: BM-872 (White Christmas)
· Building Accent: BM2134-30 (Iron Mountain), Resysta Wood Look Cladding (Gold)
· Window Accent: BM2108-60 (Abalone), BM2112-50 (Stormy Monday)
· Porte-Cochère Body: Sunrise Silver Alucobond
· Building Base: Marmol Limestone Cladding
The applicant is proposing the following signage.
· Two, 35 square foot internally illuminated reverse channel letter signs reading “Med Square Pembroke Pines” in black copy with a black frame. A sign shall be located on both the north and east elevations.
· One, 23.6 square foot internally illuminated reverse channel letter signs reading “Med Square Pembroke Pines” in silver copy with a silver frame on a wood composite background. The sign shall be located to the east of the sites northern ingress/egress ...
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