ZC2024-0005, Collector Car Condos, 18810 Pines Boulevard, The purpose of this Public Hearing is to consider, at the request of Dorado Bells, LLC, a zoning change from B-3 (General Business) to C-1 (Commercial) with restrictive covenants for the purpose of developing a self storage facility, more specifically car self storage on the proposed Collector Car Condos (ZC2024-0005) property located at 18810 Pines Boulevard, containing approximately 1.88 acres more or less. (Cole) (District 1)
(This will be heard as regular agenda item number 8)
Summary Explanation and Background
Elizabeth Somerstein, agent, requests consideration to rezone a +/- 1.88 acre property located at 18810 Pines Boulevard from B-3 (General Business) to C-1 (Commercial) with restrictive covenants.
The Planning and Zoning Board approved site plan SP2014-11 on April 26, 2016, for Valerie Medical, a medical office building consistent with B-3 Zoning. The medical office building site plan has since expired, and the site is currently vacant. The applicant is requesting to change the zoning of property to Commercial (C-1) to allow self-storage on the parcel. In addition to the zoning change request, the applicant is proposing to record a restrictive covenant that would allow self-storage use as well as all other B-3 uses.
The applicant is proposing to construct a collector car condominium for the purpose of storing collector cars which would be consistent with a self-storage facility within the City’s Land Development Code. Per the applicant’s justification statement, the collector car condominium will not be a rental or lease of storage space but will be a condominium form of ownership - each unit will have its own bathroom and, if desired, a small mezzanine office.
A site plan application for applicant’s proposed use will be heard by the Planning and Zoning Board at a later date should the zoning change be adopted. ...
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